Thursday, July 24, 2008

Infamy is Bliss… Shane Wreck Interviewed by: Cody

Flop-Top international New Wave superstar lead singer of the Living Wrecks and guitar player for The Cheap Shots, Shane Wreck...or Shane Scum...I dunno it's hard to keep up, Anyway he's got two cool punk rock names where as most people don't even have we go...

Think Forward: Give us a brief run-down of what to expect out of the new Living Wrecks album "Cheap Heat" for those cheap-skate high strung jerks who haven't picked it up yet...

Shane Wreck: its a pretty straight forward punk rock n roll record. We’ve been told that it reminds people of D Generation meets the Dead Boys so I take that as a good thing. A lot of sing alongs and great hooks in it.

TF: What are the chances that, in the future, you could be referred to as "Shane the Gravy Train"?

SW: As the shame spiral continues chances are good. I’ll keep you posted on that one.

TF: You play in two bands and book a healthy amount of shows in Baltimore, don't you ever wear thin? What is your blood pressure on average?

SW: Not sure about the blood pressure but I’m sure it isn’t worth a damn, but yeah it can be a bit trying at times but hell, your only alive once, so go fuck shit up while you can.

TF: Who are some of your favorite bands in or around the Baltimore area?

SW: The Reticents; Betty Sue Aside and Press Black. But there are a lot of good bands playing out man; the Cheapshots, Ratsize, National Razor, Nervous Habits, Ripovs; this list could go on forever. Just get off the computer or couch and go to some shows.

TF: What music do you listen to that people wouldn't expect based on the type of music your bands play?

SW: …huge Replacements fan, everything they ever did is great!. Let’s see what else...Billy Bragg, Rolling Stones, Johnny cash I like bits and pieces of everything

TF: Best live band you've ever seen...

SW: This a tough one....Anti Nowhere League in London two years ago. That was great show the Damned and Sham 69 played that night also. In the states, it’s tie between The Meatmen and GBH.

TF: How much of your biological make-up is Natty Boh (Percentage please...)?

SW: I’m pretty sure I’m at 25%natty boh, 60% whiskey and 15% bullshit and misc.

TF: Favorite Venue to play at?

SW: Gotta be sidebar its the cheers of Baltimore. The nerve center is great as well.

TF: I see you've got a couple out of state shows booked; does this mean the Wrecks are going to hit the road soon?

SW: We're just doing some road trips here and there. Hopefully we'll tour in the near future. Our label was talking about doing a label tour but we'll have to wait and see.

TF: Tiggle Bitties or Crumb Cakes?

SW: I guess crumb cakes..?..

TF: Are these the worst interview questions you've ever read?

SW: …question 10.

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