Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Interview w/ The World Class Defects

Think Forward: So you guys are from Greensboro right? What exactly is a Greensboro for those of us keeping score at home?
World Class Defects: The scoreboard should read something like Greensboro equals garbage. Just walking around on a nice day I close my eyes and hope everything is on fire when I open them again. So a Greensboro would be something that should be set a blaze. I'm sure there are a lot of towns like it, 20 years in the past.

TF: If there was a list of main exports from Greensboro where do you think a punk rock band would fall on that chart?
WCD: The main exports would be shit and the smell of shit. There's a 'BJ distributing company'. I'm not kidding, but I don't really know what their product is. I guess if the said punk band was ground up and used for fertilizer that would be the main export or the smell would be actually.

TF: What's going on with this new album? Is this going to be stylistically similar to the first one, or should we be expecting any changes?
WCD: The new album is talking a bit longer than we thought. We're doing everything our selves this time and we procrastinate, a lot. We thought we'd try something different and records track by track doing individual parts instead of a one take deal which was the case with the last CD. There are a few new songs and the old ones have been altered a bit. Some of the songs are slower because of the new process but hey, the live set is where the speed is. So far we've gotten really positive feedback from those who have given it a listen.

TF: When I listen to the WCD there are certain bands that come to mind, but are there any influences that maybe people wouldn't expect you guys to take into account when you write songs?
WCD: All of us have different influences that we draw on. Most of them are probably expected, old school punk, alternative, etc. It's like a mash and clash of genres between us. Chris really digs electronic and Goth tunes. Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, stuff like that. For me I started off playing old surf songs like pipeline and walk don't run. The Ventures and, completely unrelated, the Cramps have a permanent impact on the writing process. Queens of the Stone Age, the Bled, and the Blood Brothers float Jesse's boat. Cameron enjoys industrial I think.

TF: What's the most fun you've had at a WCD show?
WCD: Anytime we go some place new it's great. Meeting cool people and hanging out. Those are always the best shows and the most fun.

TF: To what degree do you think people are a product of their environment?
WCD: When people start making pants out of curtains and sofa cushions that could be a good indication of interior camouflage and a great example of conditioning towards becoming a product of their environment.

TF: What is a Jimmy Haha?
WCD: A broken condom

TF: What would your ideal date with Brett Michaels be like?
WCD: Starting with handsies and ultimately ending with him apologizing for everything he's ever done. Poison sucks.

TF: If you could see any band do a reunion tour who would it be and why?
WCD: Jello Biafra with DK. I saw Agent Orange do a cover of police truck and ever since then I’ve been subjugated to the idea that it'll never happen. They're not getting any younger.

TF: Are these the most boring interview questions of all time?
WCD: Don't you want to hear about the time we almost got beat up by skin heads?

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