Wednesday, October 1, 2008

“When the Fire’s Dead and Gone”

By: C. Beaz

It happens to a lot of bands, especially the successful ones. They reach the apex of their creativity (or commercial success) and spend the rest of their career trying to stay there. This rarely works out. There are few who manage to reclaim a spot on top, but it’s tough. The mountain of success, whether commercial or creative, has a very gradual climb and a dangerously steep drop. My point is that it’s not uncommon for the next big thing to suddenly become the previous best thing. These bands just have to realize it and come to terms with it!

There is a certain group I have in mind as I write this. It’s been twenty years since they released what I consider to be their best record. Two years later, they released their most successful (and most criticized) record. So here’s a band that has spent the better part of eighteen years trying to stay fresh. Needless to say, they’ve failed. And in case you haven’t guessed, I’m talking about Metallica. Their career since then has been a comedy of errors. Metallica rolled out record after record of useless crap.

“Load” – all I really remember is that they cut their hair.
“Reload” – “…give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire”?!?!?
“Garage, Inc.” – the Queen cover was cool…I guess.
“S&M” – the dweeb in me kinda liked it actually!
“St. Anger” – worst thing I ever paid for.

That brings me to the present: “Death Magnetic”
Apart from the silly name, which is nothing new really (see: “Ride the Lightning”), this isn’t the worst record they could have made. They are capable of FAR worse! Apparently when making this record producer Rick Rubin told them to make the second half of “Master of Puppets”. That’s obviously what they tried to do. There are two problems with that though. The first one being that “Master of Puppets” didn’t need a second half! The second one is that these guys are forty-something, Armani leather jacket wearing millionaires. Not twenty year old, zit-faced, pissed-off metalheads.

Metallica doesn’t have it anymore. Fade away Metallica….please! And for the love of God, give Rob Trujillio back to Suicidal Tendencies where he can do some good!

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